Concept Essay


Explaining a Concept


Minimum Word Count: 1000

Maximum Word Count: 1300 

Use a minimum of 3 (THREE) sources. At least 1 (one) source must come from the library database. Make sure all sources are credible


MLA Format

Margins: 1

Font: 12-point Courier New or New Times Roman



Name, date, class section in upper left-hand corner of 1st page.

No cover sheets, please! 


Write an academic concept paper for an audience of your peers. You will take one of the abstract/semi-abstract concepts provided for you and articulate for your classmates exactly WHAT it is. Use concrete details to support your description. Your paper should:

*Delineate 3 to 5 primary characteristics of your topic

*Use details from source material to support points

*Have a strong, clear thesis

*Use a minimum of 3 sources

*Provide clear definitions

*Anticipate the readers questions

*Use logical transitions to guide the reader from thesis to conclusion