Conducting a Literature Review (Patient Fall prevention)

This week, you examine the skills needed to conduct a literature search to locate other studies that have been conducted on a clinical practice problem. Given the importance of ethical considerations throughout the research process, you will also explore the ethical implications of clinical research. You will examine the definition of research ethics, explore a historical overview of ethical problems in research, consider the ethics of using existing data in research, and the implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) on research.

Students will:
Perform a literature search on a research topic
Describe components of a literature review
Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in conducting clinical research
++Conduct a literature search on research conducted in the last 5 years on the patient safety problem you identified in Week 1
– The patient safety problem I chose was Patient Falls and fall prevention
Essay Must include: 250 words with references APA
For the literature search, describe the following in your post:

The databases, search engines, and search terms you used in your literature search.
The number of research articles you found on your patient safety problem that were published in the last five years.
The challenges you encountered locating research articles and how you overcame them.
Who you would go to for help in your work setting if you needed help with a literature search.