Conflict Resolution

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items utilizing your conflict resolution steps from the reading and referencing the Zofi chapter (2012) from your reading.

Scenario: Your boss has assigned teams of five persons each that are addressing a new initiative within the company. The deadline is 4 months. Your team has struggled in the first 2 weeks of project development due to some personal conflicts between two members of the team who have been typically very competitive with each other throughout their work history within the organization. In fact, the human resources department has a documented history of the conflict between these two organization employees.

Checklist items:

1. How might you negotiate a resolution with which both parties would be satisfied?
2. What conflict management approach would you use?
3. Describe the process and hoped-for results. What does the result mean for both parties relative to the negotiation and why?

Submit your minimum 2-page current APA formatted and citation style response along with an additional title and references page