Conflict Resolution part 2 lit review .

Conflict Resolution: Part 2 Literature andConceptualization Assignment Instructions 




This ConflictResolution: Part 2 Literature and Conceptualization Assignment will,eventually, comprise the second section of your Conflict Resolution: Part 4 Proposal Assignment. The ConflictResolution: Part 2 Literature and Conceptualization Assignment will consist of a thorough review ofthe literature pertaining to the identified conflict as well as the theoreticalorientation you have chosen to conceptualize the conflict dynamic.  You should begin this Conflict Resolution: Part 2 Literature andConceptualization Assignment by reviewing the salient required texts(you may need to read ahead) for this course and any texts listed in theReferences Section of this Syllabus.  Yourarticles should all be directly related to the conflict or conceptualizationyou have chosen.  Be certain toappropriately cite all of the sources you use for this assignment. It isessential that the conceptualization you delineate is grounded in the conflictresolution research literature.




Items to include are outlined as follows: 

       Length of assignment is12 to 14 pages

o  Excluding title page,abstract, reference section, or any extra material

       Format of assignment isthe current version of APA  

       Number of citations Minimum guideline is 20 journal articles, 12 of whichas recent (past 10 years) peer-reviewed journals


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originalityvia the Turnitin plagiarism tool. 



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