Construct an outline for your upcoming lab report using data from the enzyme experiment. Rubric: Download Rubric: The format should be an outline, not full paragraphs. You can use the format of the ru

Construct an outline for your upcoming lab report using data from the enzyme experiment.

Rubric: Download Rubric: The format should be an outline, not full paragraphs. You can use the format of the rubric as a guide; simply remove the text of the rubric and replace it with your own text.

Slideshow: Download Slideshow:View this slideshow presentation for Lab Report Outline instructions and formatting.

Video – How to Make a Graph:Links to an external site. View this to see a demonstration of how to make graphs. All graphs and tables should be complete, including figure legends, axis labels, etc.  

Enzyme Data: Download Enzyme Data:Use this data collected during your enzyme lab to create your graphs.

Citation Guides and information:

  • WSU library citation guide
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)Links to an external site.

Due by the start of class; late assignments will receive a 10% per day deduction.

RubricLab Report Outline RubricLab Report Outline RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionA. Brief description of background information about the subject and/or tests used in lab (2)

B. State-specific lab objectives (0.5)

C. State hypothesis and/or prediction (0.5)

D. References used in your introduction; must use at least two sources (1 point total, see below)

1. Provide in-text citations for each source after the statement that uses it (0.5)

2. Provide a list of sources at the end of the outline (0.5)4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethodsA. Briefly list relevant steps (1), DO NOT copy the 

lab manual or procedure handout (-1)

B. Note deviations from protocol or errors, or state there were none (0.5)

C. Proper citation of lab manual (0.5)2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning outcome. Briefly explain which results and statistical analyses will be included (0.5)

B. Include fully labeled tables and graphs with data and figure legends – place the figures at the bottom of the outline but reference them in this section (1.5)2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome discussion. List trends in your data (1)

B. Revisit hypothesis/prediction, did your data support your initial predictions? (0.5)

C. Ideas for future experiments and/or real-world applications (0.5)2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDeductionsA. Outline not typed (-5)

B. Headings missing and/or incorrect format, including using full paragraphs (-2)

C. Multiple spelling and/or grammatical errors (-1 to -4)

D. Plagiarism (-5 to -10; see course plagiarism policy)

1. copying yourself from a previously submitted lab report

2. copying any part of another student’s outline (penalty to both the copier and the copied)

3. copying any material from sources – you MUST appropriately paraphrase and cite your sources pts

Total Points: 10

Links Provided down below:  { Just for more information on how to write a lab report, she just wants the outline for this week}   {Ouline Reubric} { Week 4 Enzymes used in class}  { Enzyme data that is used in class}