Consulting Template 1

 Read the instructions properly, then start work according to it and if you couldn’t understand anything message me.

(i) Read the cast study two times to develop an understanding of the situation;

(ii) Review the  (which is the consultant’s tracking tool for their analysis of the situation);

(iii) You are a consultant hired to resolve a problem(s) and/or create opportunity(s);

(iv) The MCT is a tracking tool used by the consultant to help them develop their recommendations. It is only for the consultant and not for the client- it is not a final report, but the consultant in the field would use it to prepare the final, ultimate report. 

(v) All the responses are put directly into the template boxes/onto the form;

(vi) APA is only required for the Reference Page, which is a separate attachment you add to the back of the MCT document. Citations do not need to be specified within the body of the MCT, but be sure to include all references used in the Reference section.