Contemporary Issues In Management

Contemporary Issues surrounding the Management of the Global Airline Industry Today

Industry Chosen: Airline Industry

Sector: Industrials

Industry Group: Transportation

Word Count: 2000 words

Referencing: Harvard

Knowledge outcome be able to synthesize and critically examine a range of contemporary issues in management from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives

Intellectual/transferable skills outcome be able to apply evidence-based research and demonstrate criticality (independent thinking) to a wide range of issues in Business and Management and make recommendations for organisations and Continuing Professional Development


Your assessment for this module takes the form of a 2,000 word management report: 

You are required to prepare a management report that applies horizon scanning techniques (trends, data analysis, sources and critical thinking) to examine an industry of your choice. 

Industry chosen – AIRLINE INDUSRRTY: You will need to identify the relevant contemporary issues that affect that industry. 

Sector: Industrials

Industry Group: Transportation

Which enabling technologies and innovations are making more impact on that industry? 

How is the industry coping/ thriving/ frightened and provide 2 to 3 specific examples?

What are the drivers and dimensions covered by each topic (see below) for the industry?

o Future of consumption

o Future of enterprise 

o Future of work 

What are the management implications of changes in these areas? How could or should managers act? What examples are there good and/or bad decisions?

Finally, what are your views about how these changes will impact you and your career in that industry? Given what you know, what is the contribution you could make to the industry?

Overall the focus of the report is an examination, in depth, of the relationships between issues and management.  Be specific by providing examples. Use a wide range of sources. Provide a view about how it affects you and what you can contribute to an organisation in that industry given your knowledge.

The grading criteria and their weighting for the Assignment are as follows:

1. Content, breadth and relevance of reading/ data sources/ theory   25% 

2. Level of critical analysis/ application of horizon scanning techniques  35%  

3. Conclusions/ discussion/ impact on industry and career   30% 

4. Presentation, clarity, structure, grammar, correct referencing   10%