
CE 444 Contracts and Specifications

Assignment 7 –  Conduct a 95% Design Review

Due Date:  11:59 pm (Central Time) 23 March

Points:  15


BACKGROUND:   You are a newly hired engineer within the Corps of Engineers.  As your first assignment, your boss hands you the attached document (95% Design Review 030222) and says, “We want to put this contract out for solicitation in two weeks.  Go through it and see if you find any errors or omissions that need correcting.  Unless you find something critical, it’ll go out ‘as-is.’  Put any comments you have on the excel spreadsheet.  Good luck…”


PROJECT BACKGROUND:  Nine road closures have been constructed in the City of East Grand Forks, MN, since 1998.  These road closures are installed during severe flooding to prevent floodwaters from inundating the City.  However, since installation, a number of the sill plates have become loose; a few have cracks; some sound hollow, and may have voids in the concrete beneath the sill plate.  The City wants to ensure the voids beneath the plates are filled in order to ensure optimum performance and reduce maintenance issues.  A small contract is about to be advertised to correct these problems.  (Pictures are attached for reference.)


PERTINENT INFORMATION:   East Grand Forks is located in Polk County, Minnesota, at the confluence of the Red and Red Lake Rivers.  This is a real-time assignment – you are reviewing this in March 2022 for immediate advertisement.  Flood season generally occurs between late March – late April.  Four of the last fourteen years, the Demers Ave, North and South River Road and 4th Street closures have been installed to prevent flooding.  All of the other closures have been installed at least once in the last ten years.  Current flood predictions from the NWS indicate flooding may be similar to 2009 – in that year, all closures were installed and two of three bridges across the Red River were closed.


ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS:  The assignment documents include the solicitation document (SF 1442), the Scope of Work, project sketches/designs and referenced specifications.  I have removed the Federal Acquisition Register clauses because they add another 100 pages without adding content to the assignment.  I have also provided a sample comment spreadsheet.  This explanation document includes photos and a map of East Grand Forks, MN.


ASSIGNMENT:  Review the Document titled “95% Design Review” and note comments on an excel spreadsheet.  I’ve provided an example spreadsheet and an example comment.   Conduct a design review and identify issues.  Provide a minimum of 15 comments of value.  No more than one comment may refer to spelling, grammar or spacing of the contract document.






















Demers Road Closure under assembly















                                                                        Construction of the extension walls which

                                                                        tie into the sill plate (note anchor baskets

Demers Ave sill plate                               in both the extension walls and within the

                                                                        sill plates.)