Controlling, Sharing and Storing Files Responses

Provide (2) 150 words substantive response with a minimum of 1 APA references for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight. To further understand the response, below is the discussion post that’s discusses the responses. 100% original work and not plagiarized. Must meet deadline.


Give reasons why a user would protect a file from read or write access by other users and provide examples how this can be done.

Many companies have policies and forms that are strictly read only. This ensures that no one can accidently change crucial data. There are also forms that have specific data entry points restricted to read only as a liability protection. Having protected documents in a folder multiple people have access to ensures work or permanent data cannot be manipulated by other users without permission from the originator.

Explain the difference between a virus, a worm, and a Trojan. 

Though all are a form of malware, they are very different in their destructibility. Viruses are attached to files and spread once the file is open, relying on a host to spread. Worms are most dangerous than viruses, seeming they can attach themselves to an individual contact list and spread to anyone who opens the infected file. Trojans appear to be something it is not. Sort of reminds me of women who can do their make up and look fabulous, but once the make-up comes off they look like a completely different person. Pretty on the outside, yet ugly and will harm a system on the inside.

Explain why it is safer for administrators to use two different accounts when working with a computer. Explain the difference between the two accounts.

Two accounts are user and administrator, and that role is often the same person. Though it is annoying to keep up with two accounts, remembering which account you left the file youre looking for, the advantages can be significant. Using a single account makes it that much easier for an adversary to attack a system, having access to both the everyday tasks, to include email, and the administration aspects, to include creating and deleting accounts. Up until the release of Windows 2000, the hassle of switching accounts was too much. Luckily, with the newer versions of Windows servers comes the convenience of switching users with the click of a button. If an adversary finds their way into a system and the account logged into is user, its not as easy to get into the depths of the administrator accesses.

Explain how access restrictions on a folder or directory can block a users access to a file, even if the file itself may be readable by that user.

If a user only has partial or read access, they still have the access to open files, but manipulating, adding to, or deleting it is restricted. Only those with full access can do what is needed to the folder and/or files in the folder.

Explain the four general tasks that may play a role in recovering from a security incident.

Preparations, ensuring your system has the latest security measures running.

Upon discovery of the security incident, assessing the damaged, what happened, and why it failed when and as it did would be the first task.

Reporting the incident, letting the public know what happened and if the incident affects them in any way.

Prevention and updating security measures, restricting accesses and permissions where needed can help limit possible incidents.

– Erica

Banerd, W. (2019, March 25). Incident response and management software. Retrieved February 08, 2021, from

Latto, N. (2021, January 25). Worm vs. virus: What’s the difference and does it matter? Retrieved February 08, 2021, from

Melber, D. (2017, June 14). Using dual accounts for administrators. Retrieved February 08, 2021, from

The difference between a virus, worm and trojan horse. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2021, from,any%20help%20from%20a%20person.&text=A%20Trojan%20horse%20is%20not,can%20be%20just%20as%20destructive.


There are several different reasons why someone would want to protect files from other users. Depending on the operating system, there are various ways for an administrator to give or deny rights. The bottom line is access is granted to protect information from unwanted change. The change can come from others being able to write, modify, or delete the file. Additionally, as part of confidentiality, there may be a need to prevent other users from reading the file. Administrators can assign specific rights following the principle of least privilege. Conglomeration with the file and the security department’s initial creator can help guide individuals inside the organization to get specific access to the file.

The differences between a Virus, Worm, and trojan is relatively small. The differences mainly exist in how the virus, worm, or trojan is introduced and operates once inside the computer or operating system. A virus is much like a virus you may think about with a human. Once introduced to the host, it is a program that can replicate and spread with minimal to no user interaction. They are often disguised as legitimate software or other programs and can cause varying levels of damage. A worm is a type of virus that can create copies of itself on other drives, devices, or networks. They are distributed through two different methods, mass mail or electronic mail. Finally, trojans are much like the myth; they gain their success by disguising themselves as something useful to get into the system. Trojans, however, differ from viruses because they do not replicate once implanted. The common misunderstanding is that Trojans are viruses. The truth is that many trojans use a virus or worm to be introduced into the host, and once infected, the trojan delivers a damaging payload.

Administrators would be wise to use separate accounts in an attempt to mitigate unnecessary risk to the system. If an administrator had only one account and compromised, the bad actor would have complete access to read, write, and modify files, programs, etc., on the network. Creating separate accounts that align to risk analysis of assets should create two accounts; one that is for the daily requirements and one that could cause much more damage to the business model or assets if compromised. Much like I discussed in reading, writing, and modifying, the concept of least privilege needs to apply to the administrators and a failsafe.



Differences between viruses, ransomware, worms, and trojans. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2021, from!%40%40%3FshowFooter%3Dfalse%26_afrLoop%3D524236704360397%26articleId%3DTS100872%26leftWidth%3D0%2525%26showHeader%3Dfalse%26wc.contextURL%3D%252Fspaces%252Fcp%26rightWidth%3D0%2525%26centerWidth%3D100%2525%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Deitmemslf_9

Smith, R. E. (2015). Chp. 1-2. In Elementary information security (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.