Core Reading Programs Choose a core reading program. You will have to research to find programs. Think of textbook companies. Evaluate its 3rd grade scope and sequence. Consider the following ques

Core Reading Programs

Choose a core reading program.  You will have to research to find programs.  Think of textbook companies.  Evaluate its 3rd grade scope and sequence.  Consider the following questions?

  1. Are more frequent sound/spellings introduced before less frequent sound/spellings?
  2. Is a combination of consonant and short-vowel sounds introduced early in a sequence?
  3. How many lessons separate the introduction of letters that both sound and look alike; for example /b/ b  and /d/ d?
  4. How does the overall scope and sequence of phonics elements compare with the General Sequence for Teaching Phonics Elements listed in Chapter 6?
  5. What modifications should be made for a student with an eligibility of Specific Learning Disability in Basic Reading Skills and Reading Fluency?

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