Corrective Action

Write a 1-paragraph scenario in which you identity problem behavior in one of your direct reports. THE BEHAVIOR IS CONSISTENTLY BEING TARDY TO WORK. After you have written this scenario, follow the steps below on taking corrective action. Be certain that you integrate evidence from the text and outside sources to support your plan on action. 


      Communicate rules to all employees. Rules should be thoroughly explained to new employees during orientation as well as published in an employee handbook or posted on a bulletin board. As few rules as possible should be made, and these should be reviewed annually. Changes in rules should be communicated in writing, since people can be held responsible only for rules they know about.

Provide immediate corrective action. Some leaders postpone corrective action because carrying it out is uncomfortable or distasteful. The practice of storing up observations and complaints and then unloading on an employee in one angry session only alienates the subordinate. Immediate correction and penalties (if appropriate) are more acceptable to the offender, and thus more effective. If there is an association between misconduct and swift corrective action, repetition of the offense is less likely to occur.

Create a system of progressive corrective measures for violation of rules. Fairness requires a progression of penaltiesoral warning, written warning, suspension from the job, and discharge. The leader should be sure that a final warning has been issued Page 485prior to actual discharge. This progression gives the leader a chance to help the employee improve. If a penalty is necessary, severity should depend on the offense, the employees previous record, and the corrective value of the penalty. Theft may justify immediate suspension; tardiness may not.

Provide an appeal process for corrective action. An appeal process helps ensure fair treatment for employees. If a mistake is made during the corrective process, a procedure for review can help correct a wrongful disciplinary action.

Preserve human dignity. Corrective action should take place in private. This approach reduces defensiveness and the likelihood that other employees may become involved and create an even bigger problem. Meeting privately provides a better opportunity to discuss the problem and prevent it from happening again. Never reprimand an employee in public.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources, including the textbook)


Manning. G., & Curtis, K. (2019).  The art of leadership (6th ed.).  NY, NY:  McGraw-Hill Education.