
For the project, students will work together in teams to identify and explore and analyze the social, cultural, political, and economic impact of an emerging or existing technology. The technology selected should have complex applications, impacts, or potential controversies when deconstructed.

Topic examples can be found throughout material covered in this course and could include, but are in no way limited to, a specific technology that intersect with one of the following ideas.

The primary focus of this assignment is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. It requires that students work collaboratively on individual sections of a team paper to produce an APA formatted 20 to 25-page final paper during Week 7. Teams will also create a formal presentation of approximately 15 slides for a 20 to 25-minute presentation in Week 8.

The paper must be well researched and utilize scholarly resources (refer to the Week 7 APA Paper Template (Links to an external site.) and the APA Guide tutorial found in the Writing and Research Help area (in the Introduction & Resources Module).

The final product should include the following components.

A title page, including each student’s name (individual submissions should include the submitting student’s name highlighted)
In addition, student names should appear in the header of each page to identify which specific areas of the paper individual students completed.
An abstract
A table of contents
An introduction, including a clearly defined thesis statement (roughly one page)
An historical timeline that details key predecessors and ideologies foundational to the technology that includes a written assessment on how these technologies influenced the development of the current technology (roughly two pages)
An analysis of the technology’s influence on society considering all of the following components (roughly four pages)
An evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with the technology in relation to its impact on humanity (roughly two pages)
Concluding remarks that include concrete recommendations for future development, regulation, and ethical responsibility (roughly one page)
In text citations and a reference section in APA format
Appropriate statistical graphs or visual aids to support the paper