counseling skills

You will now work solo!  You will review the “clients” answers to the Final Ten Questions your client/instructor answered in the Module 3 Discussion area. Answer the questions below:

Analyze and reflect on the answers the client provided.  Did any of the answers surprise you or lead to less information than you had hoped for?
Reflect on how you might have re-structured any the questions that didn’t work as you had hoped.  Go ahead and revise any question based on the response you received from the client/instructor. Describe how and why you are clarifying a question.
For questions that did work as intended, defend why you think they work as intended?
Make sure you are explaining why you chose the questions your group originally submitted and why you are rephrasing.
Describe the basis for your interviewing approach in this scenario. 
What did you learn from the student-instructor interactive exercise of Scenario 1?
You will post your reactions and rephrased questions here. Your work will receive an individual grade.  Be sure to cite any sources you reference to support your comments, opinions using the APA format.

1)  What are some jobs you specialize in that can be an asset to the company?

2)  Are there any other positions within the company you feel you would be a good candidate for?

3)  How important would it be to get the promotion?

4)  If you had the opportunity to work from home, would you consider it?

5)  Are there any close family, friends, or a trusted neighbor that could assist you with the children when it comes to appointments or school events?

6) Would you find it helpful for me to find resources for you as a single parent?

7)  Is there any other situation that may be contributing to you considering quitting your job besides not receiving the promotion?

8)  Raymond would you feel comfortable meeting with your direct supervisor to discuss why you haven’t been considered for promotions, and receive clarification?

9)  Would you consider being referred to someone else for further sessions to chime in on your depression to possibly make you feel more at ease?

10) If given the position, what changes would you be willing to make to meet expectations that are required for the position?