Course: Culture & Organizations Week 2 Written Assignment Reflection Paper on Organizational Cultural MisunderstandingsReflect on how foreign nationals misunderstand your country. List ten mis

Course: Culture & Organizations

Week 2 Written Assignment

Reflection Paper on Organizational Cultural MisunderstandingsReflect on how foreign nationals misunderstand your country. List ten misunderstandings and evaluate the most important of these. Are they cultural in nature? Historical? Political? Other? What types of organizational training could a firm pursue to overcome these misunderstandings? Research the topics in the KU online library to back up any opinions. Reflect on your learning and write a 5-6 page APA reflection paper.

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Reference requirements:

2020-2023 (Peer Review)

APA format 

My country: China

Ten misconceptions:

1. Chinese people like to give expensive gifts.

There is a misunderstanding between Chinese and foreign friends when it comes to gift-giving. Chinese people pay attention to brands and packaging, regardless of whether they are practical or not. At least they must look high-end and elegant. But foreigners are not like this. What they value more is their intentions. Sometimes a greeting card made by yourself that is not very good-looking can also move the other person. But in fact, not all Chinese people can afford big houses abroad. It’s just that Chinese people are very face-conscious. Sometimes even if they live in poverty, they can’t show it outside.

2. Chinese people are accustomed to obedience.

It is undeniable that Chinese people are accustomed to being submissive, do not like to be in the limelight, and do not want to be the one who takes the lead no matter what the occasion. For example, when buying inappropriate items in a supermarket, many Chinese people are unwilling to make another trip to return or exchange them, because they subconsciously feel that returning or exchanging items is risky and will be looked down upon by supermarket staff. Of course, this is related to China’s domestic social environment, but it does not mean that Chinese people are born without temper. They will also be dissatisfied and complain, but they are just used to it and will not have it.

3. Chinese people are not polite.

Compared with the natural enthusiasm of foreigners, Chinese people appear to be very reserved. On the street or in the elevator, you can often meet many energetic foreigners who say hello, but Chinese people are always shy to communicate. One is because of language communication barriers, and the other is that Chinese people have been taught “don’t talk to strangers” since childhood, so this really doesn’t mean that Chinese people are rude.

4. Chinese computer geeks are best at hacking into the Internet.

Many people, especially in the United States, are worried about Chinese hackers, who seem to have taken a lot of interest in American computer networks recently. However, it is important to find out who these Chinese people are. Some people think it’s the Chinese government, but we really have no evidence of this, or any evidence at all that the Chinese are hostile to the United States. But the bigger point is that someone conducted an investigation and concluded that the problem is not that Chinese hackers are particularly good at breaking into networks, but that American companies have really poor computer security. He believes that the Chinese may be able to carry out more sophisticated intrusions, but we have no way of knowing whether they have this capability because there is no need. Essentially, it’s our own networks that are too vulnerable to hackers.

5. China’s internet is 100% censored.

Everyone knows at this point that China censors the internet. But people often have the wrong impression about how China conducts this censorship. While there is a fair amount of censorship, it is mainly to stop people from criticizing the party too much, leading to unrest, or starting actual protests. Censorship is simply not as harsh as many people always think. It’s also important to note that China really isn’t as tightly controlled as some believe; users are always coming up with new coding languages to stay ahead of censorship, and some believe that with China’s huge population having The more people are online, the harder it will be to censor everything.

6. Chinese people always carry a lot of cash with them when they go out.

When shopping, we often see many Chinese people taking out a thick wad of cash from their wallets in disbelief. It is very common for many Canadians to not have a dime in cash. They are the ones who have to swipe their cards to pay a dollar and a half for a cup of coffee. However, when Chinese people buy hundreds or even thousands of things, they do not hesitate to give them cash directly. Foreign friends and their companions were surprised. But don’t get me wrong, the Chinese are really not showing off their wealth, they are just used to living in the country. Because according to Chinese thinking, when you go out, you always have to have some cash on you to feel at ease.

7. Chinese people are all rich people.

Because many Chinese people like to travel abroad during the holidays. When traveling, they inevitably buy and buy. Local businesses are also very happy to do Chinese business because they are so popular, especially luxury goods. It is true that there are many rich Chinese people, but there are also many who have no money. There is still a gap between the rich and the poor in society, and not everyone can afford luxury goods. However, China has a large population base and the market is indeed large.

8. China’s environment is very poor, with sewage ditches everywhere.

Many foreign news often report that in order to develop the economy, China has no awareness of environmental protection and has built a large number of highly polluting factories and discharged sewage into rivers. China’s rivers are already full of sewage ditches, and the water quality in the water exceeds the standard for heavy metals.

There were indeed some of these factories in the past, but in recent years, while China is developing its economy, it is also committed to protecting the environment. River management is also very complete, and the air quality in many Chinese cities is excellent.

9. China’s public security is very poor.

Many foreign friends feel that it is unsafe to come to China. Thieves will steal their wallets while walking on the street, and they dare not go out alone at night.

In fact, only after I came here did I realize how safe China is. There are surveillance cameras on the streets and the security is very good. You can go out for supper without worry at night. Moreover, most people in China now pay by mobile phone. Very few people go out with money, and no one steals their wallets at all. . (pay online)

10. China is very backward.

Today, China is the world’s second largest economy. Chinese people’s lives have undergone earth-shaking changes since the reform and opening up. People’s lives are getting better and better, living standards are constantly improving, and there are high-rise buildings everywhere.