Course Project Phase 3: Reflection Paper

1. After completing the Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse in Week 3, you may begin working on the Phase 3: Reflection Paper. The Phase 3: Reflection Paper will be due by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59PM Mountain Time.

2. Review the Phase 3: Reflection Paper template below.

3. The Phase 3: Reflection Paper be a typed paper in APA format including:
a) Double-spaced, font and type size consistent with APA manual
b) Title Page adheres to Chamberlain and APA standards.
c) Content and headings as below and on the rubric:
    i) Introduction (include Introduction content, but no heading)
    ii) Reflection on Learning from Nurse’s Answers
    iii) Insight Gained from Conversation Regarding Leadership, Provision of Care, and/or              Evidence-Based Practice
    iv) Analysis of the Impact of Nursing History on Professional Practice Today and in the Future
    v) Conclusion
d) Length: Approximately 3 double-spaced pages excluding Title Page; 800-1000 words required in the body of the paper.
e) No outside sources will be used. No citations or references. No Reference page needed.
f) Excellent mechanics of scholarly writing including spelling, grammar, structure, paragraphing, and punctuation.