Cover letter or personal Statement

This assignment will focus on examining career goals and expectations with the completion of either a cover letter or a personal statement. If you will be attending Graduate school complete the personal statement, if you are going straight to a career complete the cover letter. Students will integrate personal knowledge with personal applications for their intended future educational or career goals.

Cover letter or Personal Statement: After reading through the attached resources, watching the assigned videos and reading through the lecture you should be able to complete either a cover letter or a personal statement. Use these resources to select specific wording and phrasing as well as understanding what a cover letter or a personal statement should include. Select a cover letter if you are going straight to your intended career or select a personal statement if you are going onto Graduate school. Do not do both, select one or the other.

Cover letter: Include an overview of who you are and why you are a good fit for this position. Use specific examples to illustrate your abilities, do not just reiterate what is on your resume. Your cover letter should be no more than 1 page. Your first paragraph should be a few sentences of where you located the position and what position you are apply for. Your second paragraph should briefly explain why your characteristics make you a good fit for this position. Your last paragraph should close.

Personal Statement: Look to the schools you want to attend and check their requirements. Some will be specific with word count and a specific question, others will not. If the school is specific with word count go according to their min word count. If they have a specific question required, then put their question and min word count in bold at the top of your paper and then respond. If the school does not have a specific question or word count required, then the norm is the min word count of approximately 750. Include specific details to illustrate your characteristics that will make you a successful graduate student. Think about your education, your experience, and examples to illustrate your commitment to the intended program and your success. Explain why you are a good fit, what will make you a good successful student, and why you are a good match with this school.

Once you complete the assignment upload in a word document and be sure to label the document cover letter or personal statement.


see attached documents