Question: How has COVID 19 affected athletic trainers?
- Proposal Assignment ENGL 1102 – Overview The proposal gives a preview of what you intend to share with your ENGL 1102 audience in your upcoming presentation. In less than two pages, you will show the importance of your topic, the depth of your research, and your goals for the presentation. Your audience for the proposal is your ENGL 1102 audience: I will be grading your proposal and your peers will be reading them to give you feedback before you submit. Requirements Proposal Sections: As you write your proposal, use the following headings to break it up into these 5 parts. You dont need to transition between parts, since a proposal is a document made up of very specific requirements set by the person or organization requesting the proposal. In this case, I am requesting the proposal as your professor. You are not going to be bound to word counts on this assignment but by the strength of your writing and your ability to intrigue your peers. Title Intrigue your audience. Pique their curiosity and provide preview to the content of your proposal. Abstract Introduce the topic of your presentation and grab your audiences attention. Provide enough context to frame the issue and give readers an idea of what your proposal (and by extension, presentation) will be about. Explain the significance of this issue or topic to your ENGL 1102 audience. You may start to answer the so what question here. (approx. 200 words) Research Guide your audience logically through the research surrounding the issue. Pull from at least five appropriate sources (you may cite in other sections as well, but citing is a necessity in this section). (approx. 400 words) Presentation Plan First, present your desired outcome for audience members. Second, tell us how will you involve your audience in the presentation and move them towards your desired outcome. Connecting these two parts will tell proposal readers where you want audience members to be at the end of your presentation and how you plan to get them there. (approx. 150 words)
References Provide an APA style references page including all sources referenced or quoted in the proposal. Cover Letter Fully address the following prompts in your letter to Prof Goins. Make sure you support your claims with explanations, examples, analogies, and evidence (quoted material from your proposal). What did you learn about your audience through audience analysis that helped you write this proposal? What audience-based decisions did you make about language, content, format, etc. and how did/will these decisions affect the overall product? One way to think of a presentation proposal is like a movie trailer. Like a movie trailer, a proposal is shorter than the real thing and should not tell the whole story but just enough to interest the audience. How did you decide what from the presentation to share in the proposal and what to hold back for the presentation itself? What did you hold back for effect and why? Thinking back to your Annotated Bibliography, how has your topic developed over the course of the semester? What was the original major + issue and what have you learned about research by sticking with one research topic for a few months? Particulars Deadlines : See Folio for dropboxes and deadlines. Youll submit a draft to a discussion for feedback and submit the final to a dropbox for grading. Length: Proposal will be between one and two single-spaced pages, not including References or Cover Letter. Format: APA citation: Grading: Proposal Grade Rubric. Grades will be posted through Folio.