Covid 19 Vaccine as a social issue

The Research Paper Project Prompt
For the research paper project, select a social issue that interests you and that you would like to explore further. Do not choose a topic you have already written about. Remember that our focus is not simply understanding the issue, but working toward effective solutions for improvement. The assignments below will allow me to track your process and provide feedback, so do not fall behind in your research tasks.

The final draft of your research paper should be seven (full)-to-nine pages in length following 2016 MLA format. Your research paper must include a minimum of seven credible sources: two books, two peer-reviewed journals, two magazines or newspapers, and one other optional source (such as an interview, television program, radio program, or any other credible source). Avoid websites such as Wikipedia, quotation sites, and “top #” lists, as these do not reflect credible sources.

Evaluation expectations will be listed on each assignment when posted.

Include your final 7-9 page draft, any relevant appendices, and the Works Cited with proper in-text citations referencing all sources used.