CP Week Five Discussion


Week Five Discussion

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  1. Write a  150-200 word response to the following question by Wednesday of this week:In your opinion are great leaders born or bred? Choose someone from your personal life that you consider a leader. What character traits do they possess that make them great leaders? According to your leadership assessment, what type of leader are you?
  2. Respond to at least two other classmate posts by Sunday with a meaningful reply that includes no less than 100 words. Great job! or Well done! are not meaningful. Instead, give details and explain your response.
  3. For your initial post and responses please reference information from the course materials or other credible scholarly academic references.

Posting Directions

  1. Put your cursor in the Reply box below to start your reply to the topic.
  2. Name your topic: Week One Discussion – Type Your Name.
  3. Enter your text.
  4. When complete, click Post Reply.