Creating Data Recovery Plan

 Assignment: Create a Data Recovery PlanLearning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Describe the general process for examining and recovering data from a hard disk.
  • Create a data recovery plan for future use.

Assignment Requirements
You are an employee of DigiFirm Investigation Company. You received a call from Bill, an engineer at Skyscraper, Inc., a large commercial construction company. Bill reported that a disgruntled employee reformatted a hard disk that contained valuable blueprints for a current job. The computer is an ordinary laptop that was running Windows 7. No backup is available, and Bill wants the data to be recovered.

You can use a few built-in tools to recover deleted files from a Windows 7 operating system. There are also third-party tools that might be helpful. Before beginning any data recovery endeavor, it’s a good idea to research your options and plan your approach.For this assignment, write a report that includes a data recovery plan outline, listing the steps to be performed in recovering the data in the order of importance.
Required Resources

  • Course textbook
  • Internet access

Submission RequirementsFormat:Microsoft WordFont:Arial, 12-point, double-spaceCitation Style:Follow your school’s preferred style guideLength:1-2 pages
Self-Assessment Checklist

  • I researched and identified the appropriate steps for recovering data from a reformatted hard disk.
  • I properly outlined each step in the data recovery process in correct order.