criminal ethics lesson 4 HWlesson4


  •  Assignments
       Lesson Four:
    Chapter SIx
    Q1. Having read Chapter six of the text, please comment on the use of Tasers by, and against, the police. 
    BE SPECIFIC in your answer.
    Keep in mind that there was just an incident which cost a man his  life over this very topic. If you are not familiar with what I am  talking about please search the US news of your choice to read the  story.
    Q2. What does the word TASER mean? Where did it come from?

    Chapter Seven:
    Q1. List and fully describe the three (3) types of explanations for police deviance. Give examples as appropriate.
    Q2. Do you feel the police should accept ‘gratuities’? If yes, why? If no, why not. .Don’t make your response too short.

  • Assignment   
       Lesson Four:
    Chapter SIx
    Q1. Having read Chapter six of the text, please comment on the use of Tasers by, and against, the police. 
    BE SPECIFIC in your answer.
    Keep  in mind that there was just an incident which cost a man his life over  this very topic. If you are not familiar with what I am talking about  please search the US news of your choice to read the story.
    Q2. What does the word TASER mean? Where did it come from?

    Chapter Seven:
    Q1. List and fully describe the three (3) types of explanations for police deviance. Give examples as appropriate.
    Q2. Do you feel the police should accept ‘gratuities’? If yes, why? If no, why not. .Don’t make your response too short.