Criminal Minds

The paper should be 4 -6 pages double-spaced (excluding title and reference pages), 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and structured based on APA 6 or 7 manuscript formatting visit for further guidance in the use of APA format). The requirements for the writing assignment are as follows:
1.    Start off with a blurb about what the person did e.g. Mr. X was charged with killing 14 females over a 3-year period, between 1986-1989. You are NOT to describe in gory detail what the person did, as that is not the purpose of the paper.
2.    Background: Write about his birth, family, school, peers, employment, relationships etc. List any risk factors present in each area.
3.    Any personality disorder, substance use, mental health issues etc.
4.    Conclude with opinion about where you think intervention might have worked e.g. if the perpetrator had a loving mom, or a good experience in school, or hadnt been rejected by his first girlfriend, or had a good job, or had continued playing sports, or hadnt gotten involved in drugs etc. 
** even though you will be giving your opinion it should not read I think- remember you should not see I in a paper. You should write something like It appears that lack of parental supervision when he/she was a teenager played a significant part in his/her turning to which suggests that more observation and check-ins by teachers or school personnel may be needed. After-school programs for teenagers may also be beneficial as ..

Possible Paper Topics/Case Studies (these are only suggestions, feel free to pick someone or something else)
Charles Manson
Jeffrey Dahmer
Adam Lanza-Sandy Hook Shooter
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold-Columbine Shooters
Seung-Hui Cho-VA Tech Shooter
Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden Jonesboro Shooters
James Holmes-Aurora Shooter
Timothy McVeigh-Oklahoma Bomber
Ted Bundy
Aileen Wuornos
Charles Edmond Cullen
Dennis Raider
John Wayne Gacy
Menendez Brothers
Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Ilene Barzee
Amy Fisher
Ed Geines
Richard Ramirez
David Berkowitcz
Gary Ridgway
Edmund Kemper
Leonard Lake and Charles Ng
Kenneth Bianci and Angelo Buono
Ariel Castro-OH kidnappings