criminalethics/discussion lesson 2


hapter Three

Q1.  Having read Chapter Three of the text… think about Dirty Harry (if  you don’t know who that is please Google the name or search in YouTube)  and tell me what the connection is between the character of Dirty Harry  and what does he have to do with ‘utilitarianism’ (as described in the  text).

Q2. Explain ‘due process’ in the criminal justice system. What are the ‘elements’ of due process?

Chapter Four

Q1.   There is a quote in Chapter Four of the text which states…”in police  academies…(where) cadets are taught ‘the book’, and then learn ‘the  street’ when paired with an older officer”. Keeping that thought in  mind…we recently saw the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis,  MN…who died after being subdued and arrested by four Minneapolis PD  officers. All four officers are being charged with the death of Mr.  Floyd. One of the officers was a 19 year veteran of the force and the  other three were truly ‘rookies’ (with just days on the force). Do you  think they all have the same culpability (both criminally and  ethically)? Why..or why not??

Q2. What do you think should or will happen to these officers as a result of Mr. Floyd’s death?