Crisis Communications Plan


Begin to create a Crisis Communications Plan for the fictional town of Bobsville. Use the chapter “Developing a Crisis Communications Plan” provided in the textbook and Appendix A as a guide. Use the [] for existing information, and create any details necessary to create your plan that is not already in the description.

[67% of assignment grade]
Your initial Crisis Communication Plan should be ~1-2 pages and have:

  • Purpose and Objectives
  • Key publics/stakeholders
    • Enabling
    • Functional
    • Normative
    • Diffused
  • System for Notifying key publics
  • Crisis Communication Team members
    • Media Spokespersons
  • List of Emergency Personnel & Local Officials
  • List of Key Media contacts
  • Crisis Communications Control Center
    • Equipment & Supplies

ESF7 Logistical Resource Support annex

[33% of assignment grade]
As part of integrating with Bobsville’s Crisis Management Plan/Emergency Operations Plan begun in EDMG220 that you have been developing in each course, create a 1 page maximum ESF7 Logistical Resource Support annex.

Use the FEMA pages 3-15 through 3-18, and Appendix C-19, , as well as published ESF7 examples found online to inform your annex. Here are some supplemental materials on the Emergency Support Functions:

Your Bobsville ESF7 Resource Support annex may contain:

  • Purpose and Scope
    • Describe what functions this annex controls
  • Direction & Control
    • ESF Coordinator in charge of these functions
    • Primary responsibilities
  • Bobsville & Regional Support Agencies that can assist with:
    • Sourcing Equipment
    • Temporary Facility access
    • Providing Supplies
    • Staffing
    • Financial tracking

Submit your 1 page maximum ESF7 annex as a separate document from your Crisis Communications Plan.