Crisis Intervention

Instructions & Scenario:

The police station receives a report that gunshots have been fired at a local middle school. The initial news is that there are fatalities, and panicked children have called their parents. Now, parents have shown up at the school along with the local media.

Your task as a first responder is to develop a crisis intervention plan. Your plan should include how to do the following:

Determine the cause of the shooting.
Deal with the media and the parents.
Stop the violence before more students get injured or killed.

Research Sources:

Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. (2016). Responding to a crisis at a school [PDF file]. Retrieved from
Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). First responder. Retrieved from
Office for Victims of Crime. (n.d.). Helping victims of mass violence and terrorism: planning, response, recovery, and resources. Retrieved from
Office for Victims of Crime. (n.d.). The vicarious trauma toolkit. Retrieved from
Soma, C. (2017). 10 steps every educator needs to know to create a trauma-informed school. Retrieved from