Poetry Essay Instructions
Essay Instructions for English Composition II
For this essay topic [Poetry – Essay 3], choose a poem as it pertains to any of the texts in our Course Schedule reading list for poetry. Make certain that you have read and understand the text chosen and can critically analyze (evaluate) a specific point (or points) in your essay. To determine the topic from your choice of text, you will need to develop a question, idea, or point raised that captured your attention while reading, note-taking, and/or participating in class discussions.
Essay 3 requires a 800-word count based on the MS Word count (found at the bottom left-hand part of the document) and the Reading Statistics at the end of completing the proofreading/editing feature found under File/Options/ Proofing or by clicking on F7 at the beginning of the document.

Make certain to use proper MLA formatting and follow the instructions given in class. Failure to use proper formatting or follow the submission directions can result in a letter grade reduction, or more.

Develop your thesis statement with a good assertion (or claim) about the facts you will discuss throughout the rest of your paper. Remember not to state the obvious. It must be a good argument (claim or assertion) wherein you will use 3-5 specific talking points (backed up by textual research) as evidence, throughout the rest of the paper. Remain focused and precise (no rabbit trails, please!)

Take advantage of prewriting (brainstorming ideas to get a feel for how you want your paper to progress) using any of the methods learned in Composition I class: bubbles (subject mapping); funnel; free writing; and/or outlining. Remember to follow the Rule of 5: (1) thesis statement, 2-4) three (or more) specific points in separate paragraphs, and 5) a conclusion that does not simply copy the thesis statement verbatim. The conclusion needs to leave your reader with a) something to think about; 2) something to go and do; or 3) a solution of your own. When you are satisfied you have included all you want to say about your topic (thesis), then go back and write an introduction that allows your reader a good understanding of what you will be discussing in your paper. Remember: you cannot introduce the paper until you KNOW what you have written!

Make certain that your paragraphs contain good topic sentences, use correct grammar and punctuation, and make good use of transitions from one idea to the next. DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE THE TEXT, ANALYZE IT!

Do NOT forget to proofread and revise, revise, revise!

Have fun composing and take pride in a job well done. Remember, your grade is based on how well you show that you understand the topic; can write logically, grammatically-correct, and with use of good style and formatting; and have performed what was asked of you in this assignment. You are well on your way to increasing your knowledge and perfecting the practice of analytical academic writing!