CRITICAL RESPONSE ESSAY 6 PUTTING SEVERAL SKILLS TOGETHER 2 pages, double spaced In this essay, I would like you to gather together the Critical Thinking tools that you have acquired thus far and try

CRITICAL RESPONSE ESSAY 6PUTTING SEVERAL SKILLS TOGETHER2 pages, double spacedIn this essay, I would like you to gather together the Critical Thinking tools that you haveacquired thus far and try to apply them to the best of your ability in an analysis of a shortnewspaper article.

Now in essay format explain what is going on in this article. Use questions 1-5 as paragraphtopic sentences:1. Is there an argument in this article? What is it? What is its conclusion and support?2. What is your assessment of the credibility of some of the key claims made by theauthor?3. Does the author use any rhetoric? What is it? How does it work to influence thereader?4. Can you detect any relevance fallacies (red herrings) in the article? What are they andhow are they working in the article?5. Is there anything else, as a critical thinker, you noticed about this news article?Grading criteria:1. Clear and grammatical writing2. Evidence that you have carefully proof-read your work.3. Addressing and discussing all five (not just some) components asked for above.4. Understanding and the correct use of the concepts of argument structure, credibility ofclaims and sources, rhetorical devices, and fallacies.