Critical thinking

Requirements for the Reflection Paper and the Research Paper

Students are required to submit two papers in this course. The first paper is a short reflection usually on an experience involving a class activity. Given our current circumstances, the topic for this terms reflection will be the covid-19 pandemic. I would like you to reflect on how the pandemic has affected your life. You may include any relevant research, but it is not required. I am more interested on your own personal reflections about the pandemic and what it has meant to you. The Reflection Paper must be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, normal 1-inch margins, and 11- or 12-point type in an easy-to-read font (e.g. Calibri, Arial, Cambria or Times New Roman). Papers should demonstrate the student’s ability to write in proper grammatical sentences and use proper paragraph structure. Be sure to include your name on the paper itself and also be sure to number your pages! References are not required but may be included if used. 

The second paper is the Research Paper on a topic of the students choice relating to the broad issue of global sustainability. To get ideas for a topic, explore the contents of the Global Sustainability folder found in the Module Six content. Once you have chosen a topic, complete and post W. A. #4. The Research Paper must be at least 5 pages in length, not including a title page (optional) and a page of references. A minimum of three references must be used as sources and must be listed on the reference page. References should be listed in APA format, and any quote must be properly attributed. Again, students should use double- space line spacing, normal 1-inch margins, and 11- or 12-point type in an easy-to-read font (e.g. Calibri, Arial, Cambria or Times New Roman). Papers should demonstrate the student’s ability to write in proper grammatical sentences and use proper paragraph structure. Be sure to include your name on the paper itself and also be sure to number your pages! Submit the paper by the deadline specified on the Reading and Test Schedule. This paper is worth a maximum of 8 points towards the students course grade.

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