Critical Thinking Presentation (Two)

Must read Chapter 12 attached!!!!

Create a Power Point presentation (6 – 8 slides) and include “notes”on each slide (using the Power Point notes area) for the question asked below. A voice over is not required and should not be included. 

The presentations should:  

  • Analyze and discuss the critical reading question based on the reading at the end of the chapter. 
  • The Power Point slides should not be crowded with information. As with any Power Point, the slides should give concise bullet information.  
  • The notes section on each slide should give the analysis/detail.   

Please be sure you are reading the chapter reading assigned to each of the question to ensure your analysis is well thought out.  The question can be analyzed and well supported with detail from the reading, it should not be limited to your general opinion.  

Week Four: Chapter Twelve – 12.2 Reading 

How can social media impact the rights of employees under the National Labor Relations Act? Can or should any restrictions be placed by employers on workplace discussions that take place through social media?