Cross-cultural management discussion

Guideline: You will be responsible for one original post, and two responses to posts of your classmates. 

Your original post is due in 1 day, and after post that, I will send you two posts from my classmates, and then you need to reply to those two post in the following day. The original post can be 1 page, and the two responses can be half page each.

For your original posting, you will respond to the question(s) that are asked for the week. You will want to think about responding fully, in a way that fully answers the question, and also incorporates other aspects of graduate level thinking, such as (for example) critical thinking; analyzing issues from multiple perspectives; demonstrating awareness of costs and opportunities of decisions; incorporating or applying course material; and/or bringing in your own real-world experience with the topic at hand. 

For your two responses to other students, you have lots of options. As examples, you can explain why you agree/disagree with what is said, with sufficient explanation or argument to support your position;  you can evaluate what is said by comparing/contrasting what we are learning in the course, or with your experience or knowledge; you can also share an example or story that illustrates the point that the original poster made. 

Questions you have to answer this week:

Think about a successful cross-cultural negotiation you have ever been involved with, or that you have seen or observed. 

–Describe it. 

–Describe any identifiable cultural elements. 

–What made the negotiation successful?

–What can you learn from this successful negotiation to make future negotiations more successful?  

IMPORTANT: You need to answer all of the questions above, and must apply the content from the articles I upload.

You may need to consider my background when write this, I was born and raised in China and went to the United States to attend University several years ago.