Cultural diversity

Read the following in Rector, C., & Stanley, M. J. (2021). Community and public health nursing (Tenth, North American ed.). LWW.
Chapter 5.
Cultural diversity training*
Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2020). Cultural diversity training. The Health Care Manager, 39(2), 100108.

You have been invited as a special public health nurse (PHN) to both Ted Talk events and are being asked to present themes and interpretations on cultural diversity.

Watch each of the videos below, and answer the questions that follow. Utilize the public health framework for reducing health inequities, Fig 5-2, p. 99 as well as any information found in the required reading, websites, or any other reputable resource:

Watch each video.
A Ted Talk Tribute to Nurses (Links to an external site.) (10:38)

Its (Past) Time to Appreciate Cultural Diversity (Links to an external site.) (8:46)

Discuss how each clip is different and similar based on the following qualities:
Social Inequities
Institutional Inequities
Living Conditions
Risk Behaviors
Disease and Injury
Upstream and Downstream Approaches
Be sure to cite any source you use in your response.