Cultural Segues Project

The news, current events, and our own marketplace are full of examples of segues to spiritual conversation. But again, you have to go out and look for them. The Holy Spirit will provide opportunities if we will only search for them.

These segues are all around us and happen on a regular basis, but are often missed.  You have to learn to spot them, looking for natural entry points or onramps for you to share what Christ has done in your life or the lives of others.

Make a list of 5 segues you have encountered in the media (online, on TV, or on the radio) or in your own marketplace, which could lead to spiritual conversation.  Be as specific as you can in recounting the details, providing at least 1-2 paragraphs for each example.

Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Use of APA format is required.