Culture and Leadership 700 words)


1) Part 1 include:

a) Definition of culture (citation needed). 

b) In your own words, state why it is important understanding the role culture plays in leadership.

c) Define cultural baggage? (citation needed)

d) Name the culture you are from and highlight your own personal cultural baggage you have.

2) Part 2 include:

a) Name the comparison culture that is from a different cluster from your own.

b) Why did you choose this culture ?

c) Have you ever met someone from this culture?

3) Part 3 include:

a) In a table format, compare the following between your culture and the culture you chose:

i) Verbal Communication: Direct or Indirect 

ii) Non-Verbal Communication

iii) Individual (Me) or Collectivism (We) traits

iv) Democratic or Autocratic

v) Views on gender egalitarianism

vi) Views on time

vii) Negotiations/Dealing with conflict

4) Part 4 include:

a) Choose one difference and discuss two strategies you would use to engage that person if they were on your team. 

b) Finish with a concluding paragraph stating what you learned about culture and how it has affected your underdstanding of how you will lead.