Paper topic: Current domestic terrorism trends in the U. S.
Write a minimum five (6) page paper using DOUBLE_SPACED, 12 POINT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT with at least five (5) scholarly peer reviewed references cited in proper APA 7th edition format. Your title page, Abstract, Table of Contents, any and all quotes, charts, images/pictures and your source citing/references are NOT included in the six page minimum.
The paper should be written using APA 7th edition format (though for this paper only Times New Roman 12 pitch is allowed). Please make sure you review your paper for spelling, grammar, and format and plagiarism errors before submitting it. Remember that the paper should be typed in Microsoft Word
Also papers found to use other than Times New Roman 12 pitch, and to include additional white space beyond regular double spacing or larger than 1″ margins will as a minimum receive a full letter grade deduction. Again normal double spacing, 1″ margins (no more or less) and Times New Roman 12 pitch are mandatory as the page length is based on these established requirements
Please make sure you review your paper for spelling, grammar, format and plagiarism errors before submitting it. Remember that the paper should be typed in Microsoft Word and submitted as an attachment. Your paper will not receive a grade until it is submitted properly.