Current Environmental Analysis

Prepare a 4-6 page environmental analysis of a health care organization addressing both the external and internal environments.

For this assessment, you will perform an environmental analysis for a health care organization. To accomplish this, you need to select a health care organization. This may be an organization where you currently work, a place where you want to work, or an organization about which you would like to learn more. You may select one from any of these sectors.

Your manager is responsible for updating the organization’s strategic plan. She has asked you to do some of the legwork and complete an environmental analysis. This analysis will help your organization scan the external and internal environments and identify current challenges and opportunities that will enable it to prepare for the future.

Evaluate the organization’s directional strategy, as reflected in its vision, mission, and values.
Identify key industry structural features determining the forces governing competition.
Write a clear, concise, well-organized, professional, and generally error-free environmental analysis that supports conclusions with relevant evidence.
Follow current APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. The goal is to focus on applying new concepts and gaining new insights. Keep it brief and substantive.

Analyze your selected organizations external and internal environments.

You may use any contemporary environmental analysis tool included in the strategic management planning process to conduct your analysis. Examples include PESTLE analysis, Michael Porter’s 5 Forces model, and Levels of Competition model.