Customer Loyalty, Global Marketing, Branding

Discussion Instructions


Original Post

You will create an original post in response to one of the available topics for each discussion. This will be the topic of your original post:

Discussion: Customer Loyalty, Global Marketing, Marketing Research, Branding (Module 4: Week 4)


Available Topics


Long-term customer loyalty and relationships

Global marketing

The importance of marketing research

Creating brand equity


  • Title your post according to your selected topic. Have a title page, and attach a Microsoft Word document with your post, in addition to posting directly into the discussion.
  • In at least 600 words, discuss your topic by addressing the following items:
    • Explain the concept of the marketing management topic selected for your paper (Your textbook is a good source for this section).
    • Examine at least 1 practical application/example for your topic. This must involve the mention of a specific industry or organization, explained in sufficient detail.
    • Formulate a question for classmates about your topic that your classmates will respond to.
    • Have a separate heading for each of these 3 sections. Use the headings as highlighted above in bold.
    • Use two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook.
    • Use current APA format.