
Write a paper that covers the use of information warfare and cyber espionage by one of the following countries:

China                          Iran                              United Kingdom        United Arab Emirates

Turkey                        Egypt                          South Africa                Ukraine

India                            United States              Nigeria                                    Japan

Pakistan                      Mexico                        Australia                      Italy

Russia                          Romania                      Iraq                              Vietnam

Israel                          Germany                    Afghanistan                The Netherlands

France                        Brazil                          Canada                        Estonia

North Korea                South Korea                Venezuela                  Ukraine

Your goal in this paper is to outline the threat that this nation may pose for cyber espionage and information warfare to its neighbors and the world in general.  What are the most likely targets for actors within these nations?  What types of attacks are they likely to engage in?  How are they using technology?  What is their overall use of technology?  What is the business climate like?  Who are their allies?  Enemies?  What may be major motivations for actors: money, status, power, religion, nationalism?  If we were to predict what may happen in the next year/five year window, what will they be up to?  How might prospective victim nations develop deterrent strategies to combat attacks from this target?  Be creative in your thinking, and in your research. Treat this as though you are writing for a government agency to provide prospective policy implications for future dealings with this country.

For all documents, outside sources are welcomed to augment arguments from other assigned readings. Before you turn in your papers please take the following steps to ensure you get as many points as possible for the assignment:

1.  READ YOUR PAPER!!! It is vital that you take the time to read through the paper and check that their ideas make sense and flow together properly.  Your writing is a reflection of your thoughts, so make them count.

2.  SPELL CHECK YOUR PAPER USING WORD!!! THEN READ IT AGAIN AND SPELL CHECK IT BY HAND!!!! Why you ask?  teh moor misspellangs you have, teh hard erit is to reed your work.  Spellcheck does not identify when you have put in a common misspelling like too when you mean two.  Also, do not use contractions, as they do not belong in a professional document.  Aint nothing worse than a person who dont take the time to spell out two words.

3.  MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE APPROPRIATELY CITED THE AUTHORS THAT YOU REFERENCE!!!!  Please quote an author if you feel their comments support or refute an idea.  Quote only when absolutely necessary, since it will make more sense if you put it into your own words.  However, if put an authors ideas in your own words, make sure you reference the author at the end of the sentence.  This is the format I would like you to use for citations in the text:

For example, in text citations should appear as follows


(Taylor et al. 2006) or if you are directly quoting them (Taylor et al. 2006, p. 50)

In the References section of your paper, list them as follows:

Taylor, Robert W., Tory J. Caeti, D. Kall Loper, Eric J.  Fritsch, and John Liederbach.      2006.  Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson      Prentice Hall.

If you have any questions on citations, please contact me immediately.  DO NOT WAIT.  IF YOU PLAGIARIZE, YOU WILL NOT GET ANY CREDIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT!  If there is any doubt, provide the source of your information with an in-text citation.  Following these steps will increase your likelihood of success, so please take the time to read, spell check, and proofread your documents.

Your grade for each paper will be based on content, organization, and language/mechanics.  The best papers will provide a substantive and relevant exploration of the question, with good detail, written at a college level, using appropriate quotes and citations to demonstrate points, and demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic in an analytical and persuasive manner. These papers will also be clearly and logically presented using good grammar and proper citations.