
Please answer one of the first three questions, and all answer number four.

1). Discuss the findings from the Murthy and Lewis article. How does or can social media help and hurt your workplace?

2). After reading the provided article, discuss the role that groupthink played in the ‘Challenger’ disaster.  What was learned from this experience, and what can be said about the decision-making process in organizational settings?  (SELECTED QUESTION)!!!!!!!!!!!!

3). The reading in ISL discussed the concept of “emotional labor.” Describe what emotional labor is, and the type of jobs it is relevant for today.

4). In the 5 levels of leadership, the ideal leader is one who has will, but also humility.  A high level of leadership is a person who is more in the background, delegating and orchestrating, bringing together the best.  What type of leadership level do you think you are at and why?


Attached PDF’s (5)

Cancel Culture:

Asch Conformity Groupthink Vid