
Here is another of those odd weeks that strays away from our text and films, and requries that you post sources for your next paper, and possibly turn in your Online Presentation.  (I say “possibly” because there are two possible due dates for this project.) 

The Online Presentation is where you report on one of your two papers, either the Dance Review or the Dance Research Paper.  You will create something that will be shared with everyone in our class in the Discussion Forum (80 points) then comment on one other Presentation (20 points).  The two different due dates for this assignment are an early one (July 12), which by necessity will be about your Dance Review Paper, and a later one (August 2) which could be about either paper. 

For those of you who may have important time-consuming projects in your major classes that come due at the end of the semester, I suggest you take the early date and report on your Dance Review paper now.  Others can wait until the later date.

This module makes certain that your sources are valid and that you have already begun to compose your Research Paper.

Here is an overview of the things to do this week:

Post your tentative Bibliography in the Discussion Forum.  Use two interview subjects and at least two academic sources (minimum of 4 sources) and include a list of possible interview questions.  Online academic journals are fine. NO WEBSITES ARE PERMITTED.  If you need citation formatting help, check page 2 here (notice that each citation contains 4 items): PaperFormatGuide.docx  download  I will also evaluate it for academic validity and appropriateness
This is also a good time to start outlining or sketching out your paper, and choosing which quotes to incorporate.
OPTIONAL: post your Online Presentation in the Discussion Forum (early date).  Read more about that in the next pages.
Learning Objectives

allows the student to respond to works of art analytically (with formal writing,) to use library resources effectively, and to write clearly and concisely.
How to Achieve the Objectives

You can achieve this module’s learning objectives by accomplishing the following:

~ Post your bibliography in the Discussion Forum: make sure you have two interviews and two academic sources (minimum).  It’s OK if this is a tentative bibliography; some of your academic sources may change before your paper is complete.  You don’t need to comment on anyone else’s sources, but feel free to steal them if they help your paper.

How You Will Demonstrate Your Achievement of the Learning Objectives

Your bibliography posting in the Discussion Forum will show that you’ve followed the instructions for academic sources.