Data Review Project Report ( NO PLAGIARISM!!!)

Professional Context

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Transformation: Facilitate a change process that effectively involves patients, communities, and professionals in the improvement and delivery of health care and wellness.
    • Align a problem statement, performance indicators, and outcome measures with an organizational strategic need.
    • Provide evidence-based leadership recommendations for problem resolution and organizational transformation.
  • Competency 2: Execution: Translate strategy to develop and maintain optimal organizational performance in health care settings.
    • Write a concise, substantive summary of current and relevant authoritative literature.
    • Analyze performance data and trends.
    • Combine clear, coherent, and original writing, in APA style, with relevant and credible evidence from the scholarly and professional literature.
  • Competency 3: People: Create an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in health care settings.
    • Articulate the value of a data review project to an organization and to ones professional health care leadership competency development goals.


Develop your data review project final report, as revised from the Unit 8 discussion. Use the Data Review Project Report Template linked in the Resources, for your report outline.

This report should be succinct, substantive, and written for a hypothetical executive leadership team. It is not a lengthy academic paper. Authoritative, evidence-based sources should be integrated into the Evidence-Based Recommendations and Conclusion sections of the report.

Update your initial Unit 3 proposal to reflect that this is a final report. Specifically, provide a minimum of three visual data summaries (for example, pie chart, graph, spreadsheet, and process map), two evidence-based recommendations from the literature, and one new insight. Place these additions in your document under the headings: Data Display, Recommendations, and Conclusion.

Include and label the following appendices:

  • Leadership Component.
  • Timeline.
  • Project Information.

Readers of your final report should have a clear picture of your data summary, recommendations, insights, and the potential impact on the organization. Remember to update the table of contents.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your final report addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Data Review Project Report Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Align the problem statement, performance indicators, and outcome measures with an organizational strategic need.
    • What additional information would strengthen the alignment and make it more explicit?
  • Write a concise, substantive summary of current and relevant authoritative literature.
    • Provide sufficient breadth and depth in the summary to adequately cover the selected topic.
    • Consider adding additional best practice sources to your initial review of a current literature.
  • Articulate the value of a data review project to an organization and to one’s professional health care leadership competency development goals.
    • Consider a strategic, systems perspective when contemplating value to the organization.
    • Express main points, assertions, and conclusions clearly and effectively.
    • What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?
  • Analyze performance data and trends.
    • Review quality improvement concepts such as performance indicators, metrics, and benchmarks.
    • Present your visual data displays, along with a concise analysis.
    • Describe the significant findings, trends, and any new insights evident from the data summaries.
    • Are there any limitations to your findings, obstacles to collection or interpretation of data, or potential for bias?
    • Is the data valid and reliable?
  • Provide evidence-based leadership recommendations for problem resolution and organizational transformation.
    • Identify a short list of interventions to solve the problem, supported by a current (published within the past 35 years) authoritative literature.
    • Consider how legal, regulatory, ethical, patient safety, and organizational factors are related to the problem.
    • Your recommendations should be realistic, within the organization’s capability, and should not be based upon uncertain funding sources, such as government grants, which might be discontinued.
    • Your recommendations should be sufficiently compelling to convince the target audience to implement them.
    • Most importantly, your conclusion should include a clear statement about how the project added value to the organization and aligned with the organizations strategic direction and goals.
  • Combine clear, coherent, and original writing, in APA style, with relevant and credible evidence from the scholarly and professional literature.
    • Apply correct APA formatting to your source citations.
    • Consider how or why a particular evidence supports your main points, claims, or conclusions.
    • Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?