MySQL is a database management system that allows you to manage relational databases. It is open source software backed by Oracle. It means you can use MySQL without paying a dime. Also, if you want, you can change its source code to suit your needs.
Even though MySQL is open source software, you can buy a commercial license version from Oracle to get premium support services.
MySQL is pretty easy to master in comparison with other database software like Oracle Database, or Microsoft SQL Server.
MySQL can run on various platforms UNIX, Linux, Windows, etc. You can install it on a server or even in a desktop. Besides, MySQL is reliable, scalable, and fast.
Use screen captures to document each step of the project.
1. Describe the requirements for a database that will support a small online business. Makeup a small business scenario or use a real-life scenario familiar to you. In this section you should also try to formulate the queries that you that you want to write for the database.
2. Design the conceptual database behind the described requirements. This is the ER Diagram for the small database.
3. Convert the conceptual design to a physical design. This is translating the ER Diagram into the relational schema and metadata describing the tables, attributes and relationships.
4. Implement the Physical Database from the physical design. This is transposing the relational schema and metadata into the a series of CREATE TABLE statements with the appropriate CONSTRAINT modifiers.
Here are some helpful hints to get started with your design
You need to describe at least the following aspects of the Database:
1. What products and/or services will the database hold, the categories of products/services, approximate number of product titles in each category, what (approximately) is the product information that the customers will be able to access
2. What information is need from the database
1. Create the ER diagram from the information gathered in parts 1
2. Write out the schema and metadata of the database, including: a. All the database tables.
The Metadata
For each table column please specify: the name and the type of the column, whether the value can be null or not, and whether the values are required to be unique.
For each table please specify which column (or columns) forms its primary key.
In the ER Diagram, show all relations between columns, specify the type of the relations (one-to-one or one-to-many), and what is the foreign key by which the tables are related. You can do this in the diagram by placing an FK suffix at the end of the attribute that is a foreign key.
A few things to keep in mind when creating and finalizing the design
1. Don’t try to be, too ambitious in planning your database. As much as you would want to have a lot of features in your database, you have to keep in mind that they will be implemented later in the project! So please try to create a minimum design that will be easy to implement and test.
You may need to reduce the scope of the project to get a working version completed. In IT, if you cannot deliver a list of features within a given schedule, you have two choices. You can either reduce the features in order to deliver on time, or you can extend the time of the project. We are at the end of the semester, so we cannot extend the time, we can only reduce the activity in the project. In a Database Project, reducing the scope means removing tables, data, and queries from the project.
1. Create the database Container
2. Create Entity Tables
3. Create Relationship Tables
4. Insert Test Data
Designing the ER Diagram, creating the Relational Schema, creating the Metadata and inserting the Test Data is part of the group assignment. Once the database structure is created and the test data has been inserted, the projects turns into individual assignments. Individually the group members of a group are to write queries to test separate segments of the database
Project Overview
As you create a Database to support sometime of business activities, create the ER
Diagram, Relational Schema, Metadata and Test Data for the Database you have chosen. Create the physical database in MySQL using the appropriate Create Database and Create Table DDL statements to create the database container and create the tables for the database. Finally, insert the initial test data representing a current state of the test organization.
Perform the following types of queries using tables of the segment of the database that you are testing in your database project. Practice Union, Intersection and Difference operations on one entity table in the database. For this part of the assignment, choose a single table from the entity tables of your database project to work with. Merge two databases, a number of tests have to be performed on similar data sets from both databases. Create a duplicate table to mirror the entity table you are testing. Insert a few rows from the test data of your entity table into the duplicate table mirroring it. You should then insert one or two unique rows into the duplicate table mirroring your entity table. Once you get this type of environment setup in your database for this assignment, you will be able to perform varying relational algebra operations. You will be able to perform an intersection finding common records in both tables. You will be able to perform a difference operation from both directions. You will be able to perform a Union combining both tables into one result set. That is exactly what you are to do:
Write a query that performs an intersection on you main table and your duplicate mirroring table
Write a query that performs an Difference on you main table and your duplicate mirroring table
Write a query that performs an Union on you main table and your duplicate mirroring table
For the union, difference and intersect query, the other database table is a table structure made from the table that you have chosen to work with in your project. It represents the data from another company merging with the data in your company.
You are to write a query using your table and a table that it has a relationship with:
Remember a relationship is established when two table share a common attribute. One is the primary key table the other is the foreign key table. For the multi-table select query, use the entity table as the one side of a 1-M relationship. Use one of the relationship tables created earlier as the many side of a 1-M relationship.
Create a query that will alter the structure of your entity table:
Normally when integrating systems, there are a few data type compatibility issues and data alignment issues that need resolution. To prepare for handling such problems, create an Alter Table command to demonstrate that you can handle these types of situations should they arise
Write a query that will update a row in your entity table
To demonstrate that you have an understanding of update queries, create an update process to update one or more existing records in your chosen table. This could be accomplished by populating the new attributes added to the table. The final project
submission MUST inclue the following documents:
1. Copy of the ER Diagram and Schema that was used to develop the table
2. The Metadata for the database
3. The SQL script file to create the database, tables and insert the data
4. The SQL script file containing your individual queries
For help with installing, connecting and using MySQL, see the attached documents or click the following links: