
  1. Research some data warehouse vendors and obtain information about their products. Give special attention to vendors that provide tools for multiple purposes, such as Cognos, Software A&G, SAS Institute, and Oracle. Free online demos are available from some of these vendors. Download a demo or two and try them and describe your learning experience and review of this products.
  2. Download an information visualization tool, such as Tableau, QlikView, or Spotfire. If your school does not have an educational agreement with these companies, then a trial version would be sufficient for this exercise. Use your own data (if you have any) or use one of the data sets that comes with the tool (they usually have one or more data sets for demonstration purposes). Study the data, come up with a couple of business problems, and use data and visualization to analyze, visualize, and potentially solve those problems.

    APA formatted
    1.liteature review
    2.body – 2pages
    4.reference page

    total of 4-5 pages