Purpose of Assignment: 

Students will identify hazards on the playground and will also identify corrective actions that are needed for the space to be safe for young children.

Course Competency:

Discuss effective strategies for evaluating indoor and outdoor safety in childcare settings


Format: Complete the form attached and provide feedback that includes positive observations, as well as areas for improvement, about the playground. Specify the corrective actions needed or mark NA if no corrective action was needed.

Note: If you are unable to visit a playground setting, please use the videos attached on Outdoor Play to complete your assignment

**RUBRIC** (please view to complete assignment properly)


Daily Outdoor Safety Checklist

40% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Description: The form is complete with all conditions reviewed.



Provider Comments

30% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Description: Provider comments offer specific details and include both positive feedback and areas of improvement.


Corrective Actions

30% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Description: Corrective action section clearly explains the corrective action needed with specific details and references to the checklist; If no corrective action needed- the reason why is given with a detailed explanation.