DBA -6.2



Getting Started

Writing Exercise

This assignment brings the focus of research to a critical point in our learning that involves two topics with implications of morality, ethics and politics. Much of the work you have encountered with the critical thinking exercises have resonated with some content pertaining to ethical implications, but now you will be asked to consider how these two lenses impact research and its results. The research holds a significant responsibility to report in an unbiased manner while always maintaining the highest standards of ethics. To lose focus of either could jeopardize not only the research impact but ultimately the researchers reputation.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Consider ethical and political implications on your writing.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. 
  2. Read Chapter 8 and 9 of How to Critique Journal Articles in the Social Sciences.
  3. Follow the instructions for Exercise 8.1 on page 94 and Exercise 9.1 on page 98 and write a 300 400 word response explaining your findings of the article searches, locations, and contents.  Remember to consider the questions listed in the text as you craft your response. 
  4. Because this is a writing exercise, focus on generating clear ideas rather than a formal, structured response. 
  5. Use APA format for all in-text citations and references and Grammarly to ensure your submission is free of writing errors. 
  6. Post your initial response by the end of day 4 of the workshop. 
  7. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates postings, as well as any follow-up instructor questions directed at you, by the end of the workshop. 
  8. Your postings are interactions with your classmates and instructor that should facilitate engaging dialogue and provide evidence of critical thinking. For this discussion, focus on the following:
    1. Extension: Expand the discussion.
    2. Challenge: Interrogate assumptions, conclusions or interpretations.
    3. Relational: Make comparisons or contrasts of themes, ideas, or issues.
    4. Clarification: Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and provide insight into the discussion.

6.2 Discussion: Writing Exercise Ethics & Politics

For the writing exercise, you only need to complete Exercise 8.1 in the book How to Critique Journal Articles in the Social Sciences.  There are plenty of talking points in 8.1 to give you ample opportunity to complete the discussion in 300 to 400 words.

  • The initial post requires the use of only one article. No other references are required or should be used.
  • The initial post is due by midnight Friday of this workshop.
  • One response is required and is due by midnight Sunday, the close of this workshop.

TIP: You can use an article from a prior assignment to complete this exercise. Or, you might consider locating a new article that will support this exercise as well as the completion of your industry article.