Death Penalty

ach student will select an ethical issue of the list provided by the professor. Students will be required to read two articles, also provided by the professor. These articles will be presenting opposing views. Students are permitted to do outside research, but they must interact with the two papers assigned. Students should identify what ethical philosophy each of the authors is taking, what position they take on the ethical issue, and who the student agrees with and why. The student should respond to the objections raised by the author that they disagree with.

The paper should be 1,400-1,500 words, double-spaced, 12-point font, with Times New Roman
font style. Students should cite all sources correctly. Citation style will be left up to the student,
but they must be consistent.
I have attached the two papers you must read and engage with in your paper. You can incorporate other sources, but you must engage the two articles I’ve posted under the topic you choose. See the rubric for the assignment.