Define Fonagys concept of mentalization . How do child abuse and disorganized attachment lead to a failure to develop the capacity to mentalize in those who later develop anti-social/sociopathic behavior?

Please answer the following four questions (worth 25 points each) in two  pages each. 
1. Define what we mean by not guilty by reason of insanity vs incompetent to stand trial. Choose one of the following people we have studied this term from the following list:  Ted Bundy, Morgan or Anissa (Slenderman), Brandon Mcinerney (Valentine Road) and explain why these terms should or should not have been applied to that person. 
2.Define Fonagys concept of mentalization . How do child abuse and disorganized attachment lead to a failure to develop the capacity to mentalize in those who later develop anti-social/sociopathic behavior?
3.What is the Bumpass Graphing Technique and when might you use it when working clinically?
4.Describe/define The Biopsychosocial Model and apply it to one of the people(not the same one you picked for question 1)  listed in question one as an explanation of their psychological functioning and behavior.