Deliverable: Final Course Project Submit your finalized Course Project in its entirety. Cover page (one page): Include the course name and number, who you prepared the paper for, your name, and the da

Deliverable: Final Course Project

Submit your finalized Course Project in its entirety.

  • Cover page (one page): Include the course name and number, who you prepared the paper for, your name, and the date as well as the title of your paper.
  • Table of contents (one page)
  • Body of paper (5–8 pages):
    • Introduction of chosen topic, where you can use the project rationale, and goals you listed in the outline
    • Historical aspects of topic
    • The latest trends
    • Examples, experiences, and fascinating facts that you find intriguing about this sub-industry
    • Goals you want to achieve in this sub-industry
    • Recap
    • Conclusion
  • References (one page)

Grading RubricCategoryPoints%CriteriaAPA Format

108%The paper will use APA format including title and reference page, headings, page numbers, and double space.Organization and Cohesiveness107%The logical order of the content will be derived from best practices listed below. The content will be properly subdivided into sections derived from this document.Editing107%A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.Content110

78%A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality project will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.Total140100%A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Best Practices

Get started early and do not leave anything for the last week. Work on this throughout the course, and ask questions to the instructor with confidence.

  • Cover page for each part: Include the course name and number, who you prepared the paper for, your name, and the date as well as the name of the project (the sub-industry you chose).
  • Body of your report: Use a header titled with the name of your project (i.e., Hospitality Entrepreneurship). Then proceed to break out the main ideas.
  • State the main ideas: State major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You should include the information you found during your research and investigation.
  • Works cited: Use APA format.

Most importantly, have fun with this project.