Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes

 Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

The participatory health model is a theory that is focused on involving family and EBP to come up with an effective care plan to promote health wellness by involving family values, preferences, and goals (Whitney, 2018). Many of my patients over the years prefer to involve their family in decision making for a multitude of reasons. Some people are unsure if they are making the right decision about their care and want the opinions of their family. This can both be useful in a variety of ways. By including family in discussions, this can help patients to feel love and support during a challenging time. If a patient feels unsupported, this can cause a barrier in learning because the patient may feel like there is no hope and no point in trying to learn. Working on an oncology unit, I come across this issue all the time. I have patients who literally have no family or support and I have noticed that they tend to have poorer outcomes than those who have a healthy family network. For example, when family were involved in a participation study regarding palliative care and rehabilitation for people with advanced stage cancer, over 93% of participants found it helpful that this intervention was necessary (Nottelmann et al., 2019). The participatory health model is also useful because the patients family can help teach and guide the patient through their healthcare needs. Another barrier to learning is a patients readiness to learn or change. If a patient is shut off regarding their diagnosis and plan of care, family can help them focus and understand. Although family can be useful, if a patient is not ready or willing to learn, there is usually nothing a nurse or family member can do to change that. As nurses, we must always continue to do everything we can to understand how best to treat our patients and apply this to our teaching methods.

Nottelmann, L., Jensen, L. H., Vejlgaard, T. B., & Groenvold, M. (2019). A new model of early, integrated palliative care: palliative rehabilitation for newly diagnosed patients with non-resectable cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(9), 32913300.

Whitney, S. (2018). Health promotion: health & wellness across the continuum. Retrieved from continuum/v1.1/#/chapter/1

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