Describe the methods for sourcing equity funds from the global

Research and analyze global financing alternatives and write a paper to:1. Describe the methods for sourcing equity funds from the global financial market. Form a table that wouldassist a multinational manager in summarizing the options with characteristics of each option. 2. Summarize the methods for sourcing debt funds from the global financial market. Form a table that wouldassist a multinational manager in summarizing the options with characteristics of each option. 3. Define and assess the cost of capital in a global context verse a domestic environment. Describe some ofthe reasons why the optimal capital structure might differ for a multinational firm. Discuss the role of thedemand for foreign securities and the evidence of the cost of capital for multinationals verse domesticforms. Instructions1.2.3.4. Support your paper with at least five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources otherappropriate scholarly resources including older articles may be included.Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in thecourse and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.Length: 5-7 pages (not including title and reference pages).