Developing research questions

Developing Research Questions Instructions

This paper requires you to createresearch questions based upon the literature review and annotated bibliographyresearch.

1.      Think about your currentunderstanding (working theory) of a research issue of interest to you in thecriminal justice field (here again is where the previous Literature Review andAnnotated Bibliography assignments will help you). What important concepts arepart of this research interest and how do they relate? Begin a search of therelevant literature.

2.      Developthree to five research questions that help to focus your topic. List possibleaspects of the conceptual context that would guide a literature review if youwere to do one.

3.      Createa research statement (if you have not done so already) and create five to tenopen-ended interview questions for your own research project. Pilot thequestions with a classmate, asking her or him to pretend that she or he is oneof your participants. Work together to reshape the questions. Then pilot thequestions with someone who has had experiences similar to your researchpopulation or ask the questions of a research participant who is willing tocollaborate with you on developing your questions. Reshape the questions againafter reflecting upon what worked, what did not, and what new questions arose.

4.      Besure to write down the answers to those questions (you will need them foranother upcoming assignment).



Assignment Specifics:

1.     Write an introduction about the assignment

2.     Write at least two paragraphs with theirresearch statement embedded. These paragraphs should also be supported withcredible academic sources

3.     Write at least one supportive paragraph beforelisting the research questions

4.     Write at least one supportive paragraph before listingthe interviewing questions

5.     Write at least a one paragraph conclusion